Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011

Chewy Gooey Delights of Heaven!

they actually should be called "chewy gooey chocolately delights of heaven". i came across the recipe this morning on the blog of the absolutely fabulous Bakerella and had to try it immediately. everything she says about these little pieces of heaven is true! yes, they're super easy but most importantly they're extra-super-über-heavenly-delicious.
i'm actually thinking about hiding some from the sister so i don't have to share them all ;o) unfortunately, the sister is too cute, i cannot do that to her. y'all should have seen her eyes light up when she tried the first one. i love chewy cocolate meringues but i love the sisters even more!
they are perfect for a little sonntagssüß! just the right amount of chocolately süß and the perfect amount of sunny sonntags happiness to serve them to a huge cup of iced coffee.
want to see more? but please – pretty please with a cherry on top! – don't just look at them. bake them! all you need are 4 ingredients: egg whites, sugar, cocoa powder and chocolate.

i looooooooove the texture of stiff egg whites. 
instead of a scoop i used piping bags to "slosh" the batter onto the baking sheets – works perfectly too.

my version turned out to be a bit darker then Bakerellas but that doesn't change the deliciouness a bit. i wish i could tell y'all just how sinfully wonderful these little meringues taste. if you love chewy, if you love gooey, if you love chocolate and the sinnfull smell of baked goods wafting through your house, give these babies a chance. plus, there's like a ton of air in them. how bad can they be for our hips? sweet sunday sonntagssüß!

thank you Bakerella, thank you Salty Tart!

i didn't think it possible but today i fell a little more in love with baking – xoxo J.

3 Kommentare:

  1. ja sag mal, zuckerpuppe, was lässt du mich da für einen endlos langen namen abtippen ... uiuiui. aber das ergebnis scheint ja gerechtfertigt :) hört sich nach einer einzigen lobeshymne an (auch auf die schwester!) ... und wie schön, dass das süß den sonntag so fein macht! liebe grüße an die backfront, katrin

  2. mmhmmm die sehen gut aus, so schön fluffig-knusprig-zart!

  3. die hab ich auch bei bakerella bewundert und wollte direkt eier trennen gehen. deine lobeshymne bestätigt den tollen ersteindruck, also werden die mal schleunigst ausprobiert. oh je, die liste wächst und wächst ;)
